2009年2月27日 星期五

Bring the Green Hornet into action!! Hurry!

Finally its happening!!
Michel Gondry = My god.
Seth Rogen = Comedian of the generation.
Stephen Chow(rumored)=Sassy Chinese comedian i love.
Together.... its gonna be a HUGE hornet!!!<3

2009年2月7日 星期六

Having the Zooey Deschanel crush <3

This lady cought my eye (and ear) when i first saw Elf. I was amazed by the voice of the girl singing in shower, vintage and cosy.But not until i got the She & Him album as my Xmas gift did I fall TOTALLY in love with this sweet chick! She is Zooey Deschanel, my current love!

The album, Volume One, has some infectious power, you found yourself tapping with the melody unnoticeably. Each song gives you a little push of the bittersweet real life, a cute and optimistic push. For example,the first sentence in This is not a test - For those of you who tried, but didn't make it, Settle down it's never what you think- didn't this frank line just describe your cruel life so accurately but also encourage you at the same time?? And Black Hole,in which a delightful tone mate the lyrics decribing my status surprisingly and precisely, i can listen to it over and over and over again!!! I think the arrangemant of the songs is funny intended, depress u in Sentimental Heart and then bound u up in Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? You know that Change Is Hard but then u couldnt help but fall in love again in I Thought I Saw Your Face Today. Tell you to Take It Back!!then realize that I Was Made For You....Life is full of ups and downs ;) I love the album through and through.

Zooey's enchanting voice is a gift from god! i wish could have a vocie with the depth she've got in her voice (Ah~~~)

I'm planning to see Yes Man in theater several weeks later beacause they are more people in theater when the movie just came out and that will make me inaccessible to screaming in the thearter room when ever my Zooey appears!!! :P

No this is not enough! i want more Zooey!! :D Give me moreee ~ 500 days of Zooey~

Its a still from the unreleased indie romance movie, 500 Days of Summer, which i cant wait to see ALREADY!